Leonardo Guerra Seràgnoli

Leonardo Guerra Seràgnoli

geb. 1980
Rom, Lazio, Italien


Leonardo Guerra Seràgnoli began his artistic career as a musician by graduating in film scoring at the Berklee College of Music in 2007. In 2006 he shot his first short film, Carne e cielo, and founded the Essentia production company for supporting independent films like The Wait (2013) by M. Blash and Jack and Diane (2012) by Bradley Rust Gray. In 2012 he graduated in screenwriting from London Film School. In 2013 he wrote and directed his first feature film, Last Summer, which was presented at the Festival di Roma in 2014, gaining three awards and critical accolades. In 2018 he wrote, directed and produced Likemeback with creative input from three young actresses.

Locarno Festival

