
In the tradition of Red Skelton's The Fuller Brush Man and The Yellow Cab Man comes The Good Humor Man, with Jack Carson subbing for Skelton this time out. Carson plays Biff Jones, who when not peddling Good Humor ice cream carries on a romance with perky Margie Bellew (Lola Albright). Through a series of incredible circumstances, poor Biff is set up for a fall guy by a gang of holdup men. Ingredients essential to the action is a juvenile "Captain Marvel Fan Club," a dead woman who isn't dead, an above-suspicion business executive who turns out to be a criminal mastermind, and a room full of very versatile musical instruments. If the sight gags have a slightly cartoonish feel to them, it's because they were cooked up by Frank Tashlin, a graduate of the Warner Bros. animation factory. The best is reserved for the end, wherein hero, heroine, villain, henchmen, cops and kids all converge in a high-school auditorium for an uninhibited orgy of slapstick. Comic book fans will get a kick out of seeing George "Superman" Reeves come to grief at the hands of a bunch of "Captain Marvel" devotees! (Verleiher-Text)


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