Against All Odds: The Fight For a Black Middle Class with Bob Herbert

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? %
USA, 2017, 77 min


A disappearing middle class is one of the hot button political issues of the day, but middle class black Americans are the hardest hit. Celebrated veteran journalist Bob Herbert takes us on an illuminating journey through American history, relating the past to the present through rare archival footage and in-depth interviews with some of the most influential thinkers of our time, effectively making the point that the American Dream, through its very design, is systematically and deliberately kept out of reach of black families. Precise, affecting and eye opening, "Against All Odds: The Fight for a Black Middle Class with Bob Herbert" drives the point home that we still have a long way to go before true economic equality is realized, while shedding light on our socioeconomic system that is disproportionately working against black Americans. However, as Bob Herbert says, "There are no barriers that can't be overcome. When dreams remain unrealized, it simply means the fight goes on." (Woodstock Film Festival)

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