
Natalya and Zhanna are sisters. Zhanna, the younger of the two, has been spoilt by two doting parents. Her older sister, Natalya, on the other hand, is a self-made person. While Natalya put her private life on hold to set up and develop her business, Zhanna married a very wealthy man and gave birth to a little boy. Everybody would seem to be happy, until things unexpectedly start to go terribly wrong. It soon transpires that Zhanna's son, Nikita has a congenital heart disease and needs a heart transplant. Zhanna and her husband decide they will stop at nothing to save the boy, no matter what. Natalya's situation goes from bad to worse - she falls out with the man she loves, by whom she got pregnant. Later, after the birth of her daughter, Lisa, her business collapses, there is a fire in her apartment, followed by numerous other problems. In addition, her sister's behaviour has become very strange. The reason for Zhanna's odd behaviour soon becomes plain - she and her husband had hatched a plan to use Lisa as the donor of Nikita's new heart. On discovering this shocking truth, Natalya grabs Lisa and runs from her sister's house - as far as possible, and forever. She will take care of her baby daughter and fight for her life alone. (Star Media)

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