The documentary Marvel Renaissance tells the story of how Marvel overcame its bankruptcy in late 1996 and how their creative and business strategies from 2006 onward propelled them to never-before-experienced heights of success. How the Superheroes Conquered Hollywood... Declared bankrupt in late '96, how did Marvel miraculously rise back - 15 years later - to become the king of the tent-poles? Who are the two shadow men who orchestrated the incredible mutation of Marvel, which Disney then acquired at a golden price? Featuring famous writers such as Mark Waid (Daredevil) and Mark Millar (Ultimates), as well as screenwriter Tom Desanto (X-Men), movie-director Louis Leterrier (The Incredible Hulk), and Marvel Studios founder Avi Arad, 'Marvel Renaissance' chronicles the battle between the wolves of Wall Street vs the 'Temple Guardians'. (HBO Europe)
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