


Sadly, individuals suffering from mold sickness are often still marked as nothing more but neurotic troublemakers, chronic complainers, or just plain mad. But which one of the two is madder in the end: those who fell ill or the world that caused it? Canary Birds is a documentary about people who have fallen sick as a result of exposure to poor indoor air quality caused by toxic mold microbes. Because of the illness the protagonists have had to withdraw from what once used to be their everyday life. The outside world carries a risk of exposure and has therefore become a constant threat. What used to be home has turned into a prison and isolation has become a safe haven. Today, people who have fallen ill due to mold exposure are like the canary birds that in the past used to be taken down to the mines. When the bird passed out or died in its cage, it signaled that the air was too poisonous and it was time to leave. Only today no one is taking the signs seriously. (YLE)

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