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Auf der mythischen Insel Berk lebt in grauer Vorzeit ein tapferer Wikinger-Stamm, dessen Hauptbeschäftigung es ist, sich mit den ebenfalls dort beheimateten Drachen erbitterte Kämpfe zu liefern. Erst dank des mutigen Einsatzes von Häuptlingssohn Hicks und seines gezähmten Drachens Ohnezahn schließen die Wikinger mit den Drachen Frieden. Allerdings verläuft das Zusammenleben der ehemals verfeindeten Gruppen noch nicht ganz reibungslos, immer wieder kommt es zu Konfrontationen und Kämpfen. (Cartoon Network)


Nutzerkritik novoten zur diesen Serie (1)

Dragons (2012) 

Englisch We've already seen plenty of animated films turned into series. Sometimes they are pleasantly successful, other times it is difficult to even hear a mention of them – and sometimes everything comes together so perfectly that it surprises me. I can watch the movie of How to Train Your Dragon any time, so I cautiously had faith in the new adventures and initially enjoyed their carefreeness. The first two seasons from Cartoon Network primarily aim to create a cheerful tension and provide lessons for children. I don't mind episodic starts, I've always been fascinated by the anticipation of something bigger, but I understand that adult viewers can easily be discouraged by such an approach. Additionally, character development is heavily influenced by the fact that we know how each character will behave, who will live or be the center of the action, so there isn't as much room to maneuver. So even with the knowledge that it is (for now!) just nice filler and a starting point for possibilities, it deserves a confident and surprisingly funny four stars. ()

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