
MONOGAMY, from Academy Award®-nominated director Dana Adam Shapiro (MURDERBALL), is a timely tale of fantasy and fear of commitment in a relationship on the brink. Wedding photographer Theo (Chris Messina) and his budding musician fiancée Nat (Rashida Jones) are a young couple living a comfortable life in Brooklyn. Thoroughly bored with his day job and increasingly anxious about his upcoming wedding, Theo embarks upon a risky and adventurous side project: he's hired by clients to clandestinely snap voyeuristic photos as they go about their days. Things go smoothly until a sexy new customer's (Meital Dohan) very public exhibitionism sparks an obsession in Theo. As he captures her day and night, the woman's mysterious trysts and illicit behavior send him reeling, forcing him to confront uncomfortable truths about his sex life and his relationship at home. (Verleiher-Text)

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