
A super fun, dark trailer-trash comedy from Ash Christian (Fat Girls), Mangus! revolves around high school senior Mangus Spedgewick (Ryan Boggus) who hopes to fulfill his family's tradition of playing Jesus in the local annual production of "Jesus Christ Spectacular." This fresh cult hit co-stars Jennifer Coolidge, John Waters, Leslie Jordan, Heather Matarazzo and Deborah Theaker. Mangus Spedgewick is handicapped. Make that "handicapable." He lost his legs in a tragic drunk driving accident the night of his high school prom. Now with a father who is going to fight the war in Iraq, and a stepmother who simply can't handle the "upkeep" of the young crippled, Mangus goes to live with his birth mother, Cookie and stepfather (who is only a few years older than him) and his lesbian half sister in a secluded trailer park in the small town of Rivercity, Texas. While there, he auditions for the role of Jesus in their community theater production of Jesus Christ Spectacular (the cheap offspring of Jesus Christ Superstar)...but the town leaders don't want a crippled Jesus. Mangus decides to take on their discriminatory casting and fights their decision. Will he get to be their towns first crippled Jesus? Not without a hard fight, a road trip and breaking the law a few times along the way. (Verleiher-Text)


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