
Freshman director Jaffe Zinn, in his first feature-film, slowly reveals the background of one seemingly ordinary day in the provincial American town of Buhl. The networking narrative follows a handful of characters who, unbeknownst to themselves, will soon be linked together by the death of a local teenage girl. Yet rather than concentrating on the plot’s whodunit, Zinn focuses on the daily routines of these ordinary country folk, revealing a certain calm before the storm that will blow in once the tragedy is revealed. Zinn's atmospheric vision of an internally corrupted community is a metaphorical depiction of the decay of American morals, and its economic recession. According to the director himself: “It is a fact of life that any given day a person has no idea what that particular day may hold in store for them. Each day has the inherent potential to change one's life, or, at the very least, one's perspective.” (Febiofest)
