
Trailer 1


In der Metropole Megacitiy One herrschen die Judges über Recht und Ordnung. Sie vereinen die Polizeigewalt, Richter und Henker in einer Person. Dredd, einer der Judges, bekommt für einen neuen Einsatz die Schülerin Cassandra Anderson zugeteilt, die ihn tatkräftig unterstützen soll. Diese Hilfe kann Dredd dringend gebrauchen, da sich die Situation in der Stadt immer mehr zuspitzt. Bei einem Massenmord, der von einer mächtigen Drahtzieherin in Auftrag gegeben wurde, bekommen es Dredd und Anderson mit skrupellosen Kriminellen zu tun. (RTL)


Kritiken (10)

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Englisch It's hard to find a better subject for a demonstration of the technological advances of high-frequency cameras than a fascist enforcer, where even a guy like Almódovar could have a go at psychology. Which is nicely hinted at, among other things, by the scene where the telepath declares that she feels something like-... and is promptly cut off by her superior, and the film never returns to this theme throughout. Who wants it to, either, when Dredd's means of expression is catered for throughout the running time by his trusty hand cannon, which has a small black hole in the ammunition chamber, so he can mow down an entire house with one handheld multi-function pistol (OBI Fall 2012/Winter 2013 catalogue), which he explains in advance to all the occupants with the courtesy of a civil servant. Then one will forgive even the fact that Karl Urban's helmet is a tad large. Dredd is a cinephilic B-movie, fondling every shot, creating the effectiveness of the action sequences not by editing but by framing the shot, and most importantly a film in which the use of spectacular slow motion is grounded in a narrative structure that is simply revolutionary. And Lena Headey is nipping cruelly at the heels of Batman's Bane as one of this year’s baddies. ()


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Deutsch Actionmäßig dynamisch ist es zwar nicht, aber es strotzt von dreckiger postapokalyptischer Atmosphäre und einer beeindruckenden Ausstattung. Der Film hat keine Angst, seinen eigenen Weg zu gehen, auf den Mainstream zu pfeifen und mit einer Unmenge an Ideen zu kommen. Plus eine ausgezeichnete erstklassige Schauspielerin als Haupt-Badass. Quasi der beste Teil von Resident Evil, ohne Zombies und Monster. Alles, was ich als Vierzehnjähriger von einem Film mit dem VHS-Vertriebstitel "Blade Runner“ wollte und im Hinblick auf die Erwartungen und Zuschaueransprüche im gegebenen Alter nicht bekam. :-) ()


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Deutsch Überraschend gut, aber erst beim zweiten Versuch. Als ich mir Dredd zum ersten Mal angeschaut habe, hatte ich mehr als die reichliche Hälfte des Films das Gefühl, dass Karl Urban einen viel zu großen Helm trägt und dass das meiste, was er sagt, möchtegernhart oder peinlich klingt. Beim zweiten Mal sind all diese Gedanken verschwunden. Ich habe gemerkt, dass der Film Schwung hat, dass er durchdacht und auf eine schwarzhumorige Art und Weise witzig ist. Mir ist aufgefallen, wie gut Dredd und seine Partnerin zusammenpassen und wie perfekt die Negativgestalt von Lena Headey ist. Das Einbauen von blutigen Szenen hatte immer einen Grund. Aus vielen Augenblicken werden wahrscheinlich legendäre Momente werden (mir persönlich hat am meisten die Szene gefallen, in der Dredd kommt, den Menschen vom Umgang herunterschmeißt und dann wieder weggeht). Falls es stimmt, dass es keine Fortsetzung geben wird, ist es wirklich schade. Beim nächsten Mal (ich werde mir den Film bestimmt noch einmal anschauen) wird er von mir wahrscheinlich auch den fünften Stern bekommen. ()


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Englisch I wasn’t looking forward to it. I don’t know the comics, I didn’t watch the first Judge Dredd, I don’t like this kind of action B-movies, and the trailer was repellent. In short, the ideal position for a movie to surprise me. And it did. It’s brutal, with a dose of exaggeration so perfectly balanced that it doesn’t look cringe, but cool. Everything is properly intense: the visuals, the violence, the dialogues, the actors; everything is over the top, but not too much. Dredd can be considered utter bullshit, and many people will for sure. But for me it’s a distinctive, engaging, intense and purposeful movie without much competition in its sub-genre. ()


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Englisch If the creators’ goal was to fix Dredd’s movie reputation after the ’95 fiasco, then… It went from bad to worse to the very worst. At least they stayed true to the original. But what good does that do when not even the greatest film talent would be able to create a movie (not to mention a good one) out of a display of unashamed gore and ultra-annoying ultra-slow-motion shots. Let alone a predictable bore like Travis. ()


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Englisch From start to finish, a sough-after bit of nonsense that unwittingly joins hands with its inept predecessor from the 90s. It is all the more amusing that it strives so hard not to be such an unnecessary addition. And yet Karl Urban goes unused, the attractive Olivia Thirlby has a thankless role as a talented rookie, Lena Headey as the main attraction never steps out of the box of the anonymous antagonist, and the brutal action becomes boring after the third shootout. I don't understand what happened to Alex Garland's creative talent, which he obviously possesses in spades. Most of the time Dredd only hints at its world, showcasing only a few fragments and instead giving far more space to blatantly inaccessible scenes, and slow-motion shots that are, forgive me, plain stupid (without which this movie would have lasted no more than a weak hour). ()


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Englisch Bloodbath. It really reminded me of The Raid, but without the martial arts. Instead we got neat shooters with all the ammo modifications imaginable (a little and big boy’s dream) and classic fisticuffs... right down somebody’s throat. Urban makes a perfect Dredd, better than Sly in reeling off great lines, commanding greater respect. Lena Headey as Ma-Ma is a decent opponent and the new girl makes for pleasant viewing. Slo-mo was in charge of the visually powerful scenes (evidently low-budget) and the 3D might have looked good if only those bastard distributors had put it on general release. If it doesn’t earn, it doesn’t earn. More bodies for recycling. ()


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Englisch Formally stylized, it is a bold and confident B-movie, well acted, straightforward enough, with a simple plot outline. Conquering the floors of a mega-building like in The Raid, only in the American way, is a rewarding variation in the action genre. And just when you think it's over, a reference to Blade Runner subtly winks at you. ()


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Englisch It’s basically a sequel of The Raid, an action flick without a solid story skeleton, but in this case, unfortunately, also without amazing fight choreography, without atmosphere and without a likeable protagonist. Karl Urban has had many better roles in his career, and Pete Travis certainly has the chops for more than just a mindless shooter that shows emotions as much as Dredd smiles. The three stars are for the great premise and setting, for the properly bloody action and for the fact that I wasn't bored for even a moment during those 90 minutes. But I don’t need to watch it again. 65% ()


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Englisch This is exactly what I needed. A B-grade action flick with a self-aggrandizing loudmouth protagonist partnered with a gorgeous little girl. A supremely satisfying action flick with great slow-motion and a pleasant running time. It must have been freaking awesome in IMAX 3D. Every once in a while I fall in love with a B-movie and feel the need to watch it repeatedly at relatively short intervals. Dredd is exactly one of them. "Ma-Ma is not the law. I am the law... Judgement time!" ()