Aftershocks: The Rough Guide to Democracy

alle Plakate
? %
Indien, 2002, 68 min


January 26’ 2001: A devastating earthquake strikes Gujarat and leaves about 20,000 people dead and over 100,000 homes destroyed. This film is neither about the quake and its tragic aftermath nor about inadequate relief and rehabilitation. The film is a simple tale: the government controlled mining company GMDC sees the quake as a God sent opportunity to acquire lignite rich villages without dealing with messy issues like compensation, resettlement, alternate farmland and grazing rights etc. The film documents the process of acquisition/displacement and its human impact. It engages in the ongoing debate – Environment versus Development – and examines the fate of marginal citizens in a state making its transition into the New Economy of the new millenium. Above all, it is about Democracy as it is practiced at the lowest unit level – the Indian village. (DOK.fest München)

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