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Kritiken (2 365)


The Quest 3 - Der Fluch des Judaskelch (2008) (Fernsehfilm) 

Englisch Flynn throws himself into everything with the same indecisive and enthusiastic zeal, delving into the history of nocturnal creatures and being accompanied by the beautiful Stana Katic. Simply put, he is able to captivate and entertain even for the third time, and unlike his previous go-round, he manages to avoid unnecessary clichés. I always enjoy these lighthearted adventurous trips enthusiastically.


District 9 (2009) 

Englisch A documentary insight spoiled by senseless perspectives from "outside", a bizarre exaggeration of side storylines, and glaring logical absurdities. Plus one solid action scene. This script simply hit a wall after ten minutes, as it unfolded into pig soldiers, insane scientists, and ritualistic Nigerians. Additionally, the only likable character is the sidelined alien Christopher, who outshines the selfish Wikus in almost everything. Every battle clash must be accompanied by some bloody effect, prostitutes sleep with aliens (??), and Neill Blomkamp clearly resonates with the taste of the audience and critical majority, who applaud him for the gritty atmosphere. But for me not at all, so for those few solid (although quickly drowned) ideas, this is the best he'll get.


Michael Jackson's This Is It (2009) 

Englisch The last adventure of the boy from Neverland didn't end as he wished, but I thank Kenny Ortega for allowing me to peek behind the final curtain. It was during this period that an unexpected moment came when I transitioned from respect to almost worship for the King, and to this day I believe that anyone who has ever listened to any of his songs must melt while watching this film. And that a shiver runs down your spine especially when listening to "They Don't Care About Us" or "Smooth Criminal". Moreover, it is very difficult to resist the enthusiasm that Michael Jackson's persona evokes, especially in moments when tough-looking dancers, who just moments ago were dancing on stage with a rough expression, suddenly stand below him, rewarding each gesture of their god with loud cheers. This charisma literally grounds you. Except that there's no happy ending expected in this fairy tale about a famous comeback. So I can only say goodbye one last time. Goodbye. God bless you and heal the world.


Battlestar Galactica: The Plan (2009) 

Englisch The best of the first two series is turned upside down by the perspective of the final series. Admiral Adama takes on one challenging task after another in both a directorial and command chair. It is thanks to this bravery, the unmistakable atmosphere, and the relentless Bear McCreary soundtrack that a beautiful final piece emerges, completing one of the last empty spaces in this monumental mosaic.


Tobruk (2008) 

Englisch An appealing effort in a battle that was lost before it even began. To make a functional, expressive, or appropriate-looking war story in the Czech setting can only succeed with a one-of-a-kind project like Dark Blue World. That's why I can't help but shake my head in wonder that Václav Marhoul took on such a hopeless task with a script that is rather unfriendly to the audience. Still, I remain satisfied. The war, friendship, and suffocatingly hopeless storyline work brilliantly, the aimless wandering without a plot, which often undermines tension in domestic cinematography, is not a concern in this delicate environment. So what's the catch? It lies in the fact that credibility is sometimes presented through unnecessarily incomprehensible moments like a chase with a rooster or episodes with a prostitute. In the end, I'm giving it 70%, enhanced by the impression of an unexpected surprise.


Sacred Planet (2004) 

Englisch Lots of talk about satisfying basic needs, dependence on Earth, the wonderful sea, the wonderful creatures, and for a change, the wonderful Mother Earth. And all of this in ten "variations". As a whole, it is a catastrophic stereotype, the most annoying of documentary voiceovers, and half-baked explanations that we must treat nature well in order to live as well as people who have lived in the rainforests for generations. I respect documentary filmmaking, I respect ecology, and maybe even diligent film propaganda. But as soon as the narrator starts making a fool of himself with a smile after a few minutes, it's hard for me to forgive him. 30% for the camera, music, and relative harmlessness.


Die nackte Wahrheit (2009) 

Englisch Katherine Heigl shines and Gerard Butler relishes every juicy line, but the whole studio plot, stupid supporting characters, and actually even the spicy commentary on truth felt like a betrayal compared to what I was expecting from the trailers, and I had to do my best not to write the off movie at that very moment. The paradox is that when it slows down, the innuendos disappear, and the romance reaches top speed, I completely melted and, thanks to the actors' dramatic talent, thoroughly enjoyed the last half hour. However, due to higher expectations and the jarring unevenness of the individual scenes, disappointment prevails.


The International (2009) 

Englisch Tom Tykwer is definitively becoming a polymath who can inventively shoot any genre, but this time I can't buy it from his hand. He does a guide to the world of frauds with ease, but at the same time, every time the viewer catches up with the screenplay through the various twists and turns, it adds another twist and shows that this time it won't lend a helping hand to those lagging behind. Any positive impressions are mainly gained by Clive Owen, once again in the role of an indefatigable hitchhiker. In his performance, the perfectly escalating shootout became, without exaggeration, a legendary scene.


Star Trek - Nemesis (2002) 

Englisch The classic archetypal battle for the salvation of all is crossed with a perfect moral/responsible dilemma. The Enterprise faces the most stylish enemy of the entire film series, and the entire Romulan plot is presented so darkly that I couldn't believe that this was the same crew that got started in the failed Star Trek: Generations. There could hardly be a better goodbye from Star Trek: The Next Generation.


17 Again - Back To Highschool (2009) 

Englisch "When you're young, everything feels like the end of the world." When Zac Efron, Michelle Trachtenberg, and Leslie Mann are at the peak of their performance, and the genre mixes a few clichés with a nostalgia as strong as a wave of fandom, it is impossible to resist. "Different" teenage comedies still know how to warm your heart.