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Kritiken (3 803)


Lucky Luke: Daisy Town (1971) 

Englisch A film that will get children excited and put adults in a pleasant mood. Excellent animated classic as a parody of the Wild West. Just as live-action films have Lemonade Joe, animated films have Lucky Luke. Lots of jokes, stylized characters familiar from live-action westerns, parodied clichés, and references to American pop culture. I have to give it a full rating just for the hallucinogenic scene full of musical numbers. Overall impression: 95%.


The Falls (1980) 

Englisch I would say that it is the most original film by Peter Greenaway, reminiscent of certain sketches from the Monty Python's Flying Circus group. For its inventiveness and playfulness, I give it four stars, although it is true that it is a kind of experiment lacking a story and is better to be watched in stages. Each of the mystifying portraits is filmed in a different style, essentially representing a kind of directorial styles school for the viewer. It is funny, wild, and original. Overall impression: 75%.


The Crow - Die Rache der Krähe (1996) 

Englisch Unfortunately, compared to the comic books and the original film, there is a significant drop in quality in almost every aspect. The film lacks atmosphere and characters that viewers could relate to or identify with. I would rather watch a simple bloody action film than this narcissistic pseudo-artistic boredom. Overall impression: 25%.


The Crow 3: Tödliche Erlösung (2000) 

Englisch I wouldn't be that strict about it, especially since compared to the inferior second film, The Crow: Salvation comes across as a true masterpiece. It has an aggressive soundtrack, flashy editing, and realistic violence. It does not bring shame to the original comic books, even though there is a lack of deeper character development and the elimination of some villains could have been slower and more inventive. (Of course, I am not a sadist, just like other comic fans.) The modification of the screenplay, which deviated from the original version, doesn't bother me, as the police chief is a worthy opponent... Overall impression: 70%.


Kampfstern Galactica (1978) 

Englisch My review is influenced by nostalgia - I saw the movie and series on television a long time ago. It is a naive and cheap imitation of Star Wars, a B-movie spectacle that nowadays has meaning only as a springboard for the successful remake. Compared to today, the original movie and series are equally, and perhaps even more, naive than the original Star Trek compared to its current form. Overall impression: 35%.


Der Schut (1964) 

Englisch I read the book at the age of ten, and back then I was quite thrilled about it. It was simply a time when I indulged in pulp fiction and fell asleep with Tarzan novels in my hands. The film quite faithfully conveys the content and atmosphere of the novel onto the silver screen. Unfortunately, since I'm no longer ten, I have to perceive the naivety and endearing inferiority of Karl May's works. However, I do remember that at the movie theater back then, boys my age would stand up from their seats with enthusiasm and clench their fists during the pursuit of the villain, and when he was caught, the entire movie theater would cheer happily. Yes, there was something about that age and our film heroes back then... Overall impression: 45%.


Schlachthof 5 (1972) 

Englisch Everyone who has ever read a novel by Kurt Vonnegut knows how difficult it is to translate his literary template onto the film screen. His works are multi-layered, consisting of the thought processes of his characters, various places and times that intertwine with each other, and most importantly, they contain various dream passages and hallucinations. The attempt to make an equally successful film based on his work usually ends in a disaster, such as Breakfast of Champions. For a long time, I believed that the only film worth seeing was Mother Night, and only now do I realize that George Roy Hill's film has almost the same quality. Slaughterhouse-Five, like the novel, is absurd, tragicomic, strange, and provocative. Several scenes are among those that film fans will remember for life. The main character's encounter with victorious Soviet soldiers or the end of his best friend are certainly among them. Overall impression: 85%.


Es war einmal ... unsere Erde (2008) (Serie) 

Englisch Another part of the French series. The artistic approach naturally closely follows the established model, and the animation is more appealing thanks to technological progress, but the lightness and humorous exaggeration in the script have disappeared and are replaced by urgency and political declarations. Because, unlike previous series, the subject touches on political issues, it is possible to agree with the creators in many cases and maintain a different opinion in others. The theme is the current ecological crisis and the content is ideologically close to the views of today's Green parties in Western Europe. As an energy expert, I suffered in some parts of the episode dedicated to alternative energy sources. Overall impression: 50%.


Creepshow 2 - Kleine Horrorgeschichten (1987) 

Englisch The most valuable thing about Creepshow 2 is Stephen King's literary idea, i.e., the plot and the point of individual stories. Romero's screenplay more or less mechanically translates King's story into a film, without adding anything substantial, and Michael Gornick's mediocre direction devalues the film because it is simply unremarkable and unable to handle the opportunity given. The film lacks a real horror atmosphere and attention to detail in the sound and camera work. I'm still giving it three stars thanks to the humor contained primarily in ironically animated sequences that connect the individual stories and also form their appendix. It could have been a quality horror comedy in the end if the creators had lightened the individual stories with a greater number of such moments, like the quick resolution at the end of the second story entitled The Raft. In comparison to King, it is clear how deprived the film is. Where King can play with the death of one of his characters on a whole page of text, the hurried creators of Creepshow 2 get it over and done with in a three-second shot. Overall impression: 50%.


Wolfhound (2006) 

Englisch Wolfhound owes its existence and success to Timur Bekmambetov and his film Night Watch, which not only sparked a renaissance of Russian film but also a series of fantasy films that were very successful with the Russian audience. Paradoxically, I gave Night Watch four stars and only three to Wolfhound, even though it is a much more grandiose spectacle filled with money and overall more professional. But Night Watch was first and what I forgave in it, I don't want to forgive in Wolfhound. It is evident that it is influenced by Hollywood fantasy films like Conan the Barbarian or The Lord of the Rings trilogy, and for my taste, it is both a bit too cosmopolitan and unnecessarily overloaded with digital effects. The creators should have stuck more to East Slavic mythology and developed the story at the expense of visual effects. In its attempt to compete with American productions, Wolfhound slightly reminds me of French action films that also try to catch up with and surpass famous Hollywood works, and the creators do not realize that at best, they are catching up with what was popular 15-20 years ago. Overall impression: 65%.