Meist gefolgt Genres / Typen / Herkünfte

  • Drama
  • Komödie
  • Dokumentation
  • Action
  • Animation

Tagebuch (4)

Antikrist (2009) ****



všechny komentáře uživatele

Jo, to máte tak, chcete vzít holku do kina, chce se bát a tak si k tomu vezmete Larse von Triera. Jenomže to netušítě kdo to je a co vlastně točí. A tak si tak v tom malém sálu sedíte, držíte se romanticky za ručku své holky, vobčas ji dáte nějakou tu pusu, světla potemní ... no a ... holka zhasne. A je zhaslá i když film skončí a i když ji dáte ruku, pusu nebo kolu. Mlčí. Začnete být nervózní. Miláčku je všechno v pořádku, zeptáte se v naději, že prolomíte vlny. A ty myslíš, že tohle je v pořádku - zeptá se. No ... a má to být v pořádku? odpovíte diplomaticky. Ne!!! Polknete. Ten člověk není normální a ty si prase! vykřikne. Já, proč já? Prosím tě, už mlč a deme. Larsi děkuji, byl pozdní večer první máj, lásky čas, moje holka chce mi zlomit vaz. PS: stejně tě miluji Larsi

A Blooming Business (TON van ZANTVOORT)

World - A Blooming Business - 52 min [27 March 2009] - Wake up and smell the imported roses.

It's time to wake up and smell the imported roses. On the shores of lake Naivasha in Kenya, flower farms have enslaved the locals, poisoned the fish and dried out the land. As we follow the lives of a few brave flower workers, the true cost of the world flower industry unfolds.

The beauty of roses is lost on Jane. Yet she makes the walk to work with her head held high, passing a sprawling queue of jobseekers who would gladly trade her place. "Hard work, thorns in my hand and chemicals. That's what a rose means to me", she says. Even her own beauty is a curse. Because only the beautiful can work at the flower farm and "sometimes the supervisor needs us to have sex with him". Those who resist or who lose their looks are fired.

"I was beautiful once", says Agnes, who was fired after becoming severely scarred from chemical exposure. "We all heard about the great job opportunities here", she recalls, "but when we got here - the pay wasn't enough to cover the rent". As she picked flowers on her knees in a flower farm for 16 hours a day, Agnes was sprayed with as much pesticide as the flowers were. She and others working in the flower industry tried to sue. But suing just makes matters worse. "They branded me a troublemaker and prevented any other companies from hiring me", says Oscar, who was fired from the packing factory, after just three months. He's now forced to sell water from the lake to survive, even though it's severely contaminated by the pesticides the flower farms use. "I just keep quiet and sell the water", he says, ashamed. The lakes that aren't contaminated are drained altogether and Kennedy now struggles to survive as a fisherman. "If I could get one fish- I'd be happy!" he laughs. At midnight, Kennedy takes home his solitary catch, the gigantic gaudy crates of flowers come to a stand-still on the factory floor and Jane begins her walk home from the farm. "My dream is to open my own business", she says, exploding into laughter as her youngest daughter comes to greet her, "I miss my kids so much!" As she sleeps, the crates of flowers are outsourced to fair-trade farms, then exported to London, New York or maybe Holland, winding up in a supermarket with a fair-trade tag.


War Don Don (Rebecca Richman Cohen)

Sierra Leone/USA, 2010, 85'
Film Synopsis

In the heart of Freetown, the capital of Sierra Leone, United Nations soldiers guard a heavily fortified building known as the “special court.” Inside, Issa Sesay awaits his trial. Prosecutors say Sesay is a war criminal, guilty of heinous crimes against humanity. His defenders say he is a reluctant fighter who protected civilians and played a crucial role in bringing peace to Sierra Leone. With unprecedented access to prosecutors, defense attorneys, victims, and, from behind bars, Sesay himself, WAR DON DON puts international justice on trial for the world to see — finding that in some cases the past is not just painful, it is also opaque.

Director’s Statement
Rebecca Richman Cohen

In the summer of 2006 I sat behind bulletproof glass in the observer gallery of the Special Court for Sierra Leone, the world's first international war crimes "hybrid tribunal," created jointly by the United Nations and the government of Sierra Leone. At the time I was working not as a filmmaker, but as a law student and legal intern for a defense team. Though I was assigned to work on the case of the AFRC-accused, Alex Tamba Brima, I found myself drawn to observe the trial of the leader of a different warring faction.

From my seat in the gallery of the RUF-accused trial, I first observed Issa Sesay, a former rebel leader accused of crimes against humanity and a key player in the peace negotiations – and I was fascinated by the range of roles that one man could assume amidst the intensity of such a brutal conflict. I became convinced that the story of his trial needed to reach a larger audience. Combining my legal experience in criminal defense with my background as a filmmaker, I realized that a documentary film could communicate the complexities of Sesay's rise and fall from power.

In 2011 the Special Court for Sierra Leone prepares to be the first major war crimes tribunal to conclude its cases since the Trials at Nuremberg more than sixty years ago. This landmark moment in international criminal justice is a timely call for introspection, dialogue, and critical analysis. I hope WAR DON DON offers an insider's view about the complex moral, political, and legal questions that issue from rebuilding lawless and war torn nations - and will inspire thoughtful debate about the future of international criminal justice.


Mon histoire Papy

Režie: Djo Tunda Wa Munga
Režisér Djo Tunda Wa Munga se inspiroval skutečným příběhem osob žíjících s AIDS a z jejich příběhů a osudů natočil seriál. Film je v jazyce lingala.

Djo Tunda Wa Munga (režisér a producent) - narozen v r. 1972 v hlavním měste Demokratické republiky Kongo - Kinshasa, v roce 2011 obdržel cenu Best Director (Cenu za nejlepší režii) na the African Movie Academy Awards in 2011 za film Viva Riva! (2010)


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