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Kritiken (10 817)


Deserted (2016) 

Englisch A movie that starts off quite promising but eventually slows down significantly, ending up somewhat lackluster. This is such a poorly and unnecessarily wasted opportunity, it's a shame. Mischa isn't a great actress, but she's good, and here she showcases it a bit. But she's on her own, and then the script completely screws everything up, as if it didn't even know what to say.


7 Göttinnen (2015) 

Englisch A film that has something to say and beautifully shows that a film can easily do without strong male characters when it has strong female characters. These female characters carry the film forward very well and skillfully, which I liked. There are calm moments, there are tense moments, and overall it's quite an interesting piece.


Mimic 2 (2001) 

Englisch The story doesn't have much to offer fundamentally, even though it involves expanding the mythology within the world of Mimic. Given that the creatures want to attack humans, their actions are somewhat limited, and you get the feeling that this isn't anything significant, even though the film suggests otherwise. The killing is minimal, it takes place in a small space, and the atmosphere of something truly terrifying doesn't really affect you. Maybe just a little gruesome.


The Spirit of the Game (2016) 

Englisch I simply don't like religious films, and the only strength of this movie is that it depicts something that actually happened. The Mormons decided to help the Australian basketball team, which subsequently turned out quite well. Mormons are good at basketball. That's fine. The faith of the mountain carries... Haha. I don't know if this is the one.


Space Cowboys (2000) 

Englisch Clint Eastwood is simply one of the best directors for me, ever to have worked and is also currently active. And so, even this slightly parodying take on Apollo 13 and similar films entertained me. It's not because it outright parodies similar films, but it aims to show that the power of humanity exists at any age. Plus, it's funny. I forgive the unnecessary last scene.


South of Caliente (1951) 

Englisch It's not a great western by any means, just essentially average, but I guess I have an inherent need to rate westerns overall better than they actually deserve. But I enjoyed this film as well, and I especially liked that it was short and passed quickly. The characters are pleasant, typically television-like, and you can easily spend an hour with them.


Soggade Chinni Nayana (2016) 

Englisch I was a bit afraid it would be one of those typical Indian nonsense movies, with a lot of overacting and pseudo-comedic characters. That happened, but the movie somehow manages to stay on that line where you feel it's tolerable and that you don't have to be ashamed while watching it. But it's nothing groundbreaking.


Sex et perestroïka (1990) 

Englisch The movie probably wanted to show us that in Russia, after the gradual end of the regime, sex is becoming a powerful force. Or perhaps the film wanted to show us that there are quite attractive women there, although they may not be particularly well-endowed. Or maybe someone just wanted to make a film that is not about anything and that you can't get into.


Sosyeolpobia (2014) 

Englisch An interesting premise that unfortunately isn't fulfilled throughout the film. A group of young men seek revenge on a girl after discovering that she has been disparaging soldiers. No one must ever insult the heroes. But when they get to her, the girl is hanged. Was it suicide? Great start, but in the following minutes, it loses its momentum, and the message about our society isn't as strong.


Shut In (2016) 

Englisch It almost seems like it could almost be a suspenseful thriller at the beginning. But really only almost. Then the film gets bogged down by its script, which is just stupid and mostly boring. Naomi Watts can try as hard as she wants, but she just can't make anything more out of this. Perhaps her nudity will grab the audience's attention for a bit, but then there's a long stretch of nothing. And then it's over.