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Kritiken (2 986)


Hellboy (2004) 

Englisch Hellboy has huge potential, but the creators didn’t do a good job in transferring it to the screen. The greatest mistake is that they completely ignored the mysterious Gothic atmosphere that simply oozes out of the comic books. In terms of story this is an almost disrespectful mishmash and the only thing that saves the day is Ron Perlman in the title role of Hellboy himself. Add to that the rather sluggish pace, over-long running time and a lame finale. So the result is unfortunately a mediocre affair that can be watched once, but never again.


The Girl Next Door (2004) 

Englisch A pleasant surprise, a sweet, funny and not completely dumb teen comedy. And also Elisha, who is just lovely. It's a great pity that every half hour is in a different style and it doesn't always work as the creators probably intended. Hirsch will definitely make some noise – sooner rather than later.


Welcome to the Jungle (2003) 

Englisch Mediocre in terms of directing, (sub)mediocre in terms of story and, additionally, in terms of action, how else but mediocre. The editing is appalling, completely random and actively irritating. The only thing that makes it at all watchable is “The Rock" and very few funny moments. If they had only stepped on the gas and shortened the running time, it could have been a solid attempt at an updated variation on Romancing the Stone. Unfortunately they didn’t and the result is uninspiring and, guess what word comes next, that’s right, mediocre.


Bad Santa (2003) 

Englisch A film after which Christmas carols will never be the same again, with Billy Bob Thorton in a role in which he's boxed himself in for years to come. "Coen-like goofy" and therefore damn funny, you naughty trolls!


Butterfly Effect (2004) 

Englisch Where its genre brothers (for instance, 12 Monkeys or Donnie Darko) in their complexity are just starting to warm up they’re wheels of logic, The Butterfly Effect with its “plot based and time paradox" line are still standing at a red light. Even so, it’s still a good movie, especially in the first half. After that the screenwriters (and, because they also directed it, the directors too) start running out of breath and ideas, while Kutcher runs out of talent. The whole movie starts to sink into the waters of mediocrity, with one cliché after another, and only thanks to the timely ending it didn’t sink even lower.


Český sen - der Tschechische Traum (2004) 

Englisch If there had been greater consistency in the “storytelling", this could have been a perfect piece. This way it is merely interesting and, in places, a really amusing insight into today’s world of advertising. Surprisingly, the weakest part is the ending, with the actual “opening" of the Czech Dream. Conversely, the preceding parts when we look behind the scenes at the preparations for advertising campaigns are wonderful. Certainly a fascinating example of a documentary that provokes considerable controversy although, surprisingly, it isn’t controversial at all.


The Day After Tomorrow (2004) 

Englisch “Well, that’s the ice age for you..." Dr. Emmet Brown might have said. The Day After Tomorrow is a success in terms of special effects and completely empty in terms of ideas. Lots of clichés and lameness. On the other hand, it has a pretty solid storytelling pace. If you’re looking forward to a popcorn movie where you have a few laughs at the expense of the creators and don’t fall asleep due to pure boredom, The Day After Tomorrow is just the movie for you.


Geständnisse - Confessions of a Dangerous Mind (2002) 

Englisch Clooney proves that he can direct and that he holds a lot of promise to the future. The powerful visuals are one of the main aspects building the atmosphere of this picture, while the long running time is one of the main minus points here. The screenplay by Kaufman is excellent as always, and is supported by outstanding acting performances. A nice surprise here is a solid performance from Drew Barrymore after years of nothing and so it is easy to let yourself be sucked into the biographical fantasy of this at first sight ordinary drama.


12 Monkeys (1995) 

Englisch Unfortunately I can’t award twelve stars for the 12 Monkeys, but that changes nothing about the fact that this is not only the zenith of Gilliam’s works, but also the best sci-fi movie ever. And therefore is one of the best works of world cinema. The screenplay is flawless to the T and the ending, which you will comprehend only after watching it several times over and the optimism of the elating message (not the obvious one, but the one hidden under the surface), is just unbeatable. And that’s all I intend to write about this picture - if you have already seen it, you know how powerful and what genius these monkeys hold inside them. And if you haven’t, then you’ll understand when you see it.


Road Trip (2000) 

Englisch One of the many generic teen comedies that rode the wave of success of American Pie, but unlike the others, it's also quite funny. Quite.