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Kritiken (747)


The Kids Are All Right (2010) 

Englisch A brilliant cast, a script that's fairly predictable but contains basically no distractions, some very funny moments, overall a pleasant bit of relaxation and some amusement, with an American moral at the end). Surely there’s something to fall in love with?:)


The Green Hornet (2011) 

Englisch The Green Hornet may not have the crazy grit and "comic-book" flair of Kick-Ass, but it has an excellent bad guy (on a par with Mark Strong in Kick-Ass in terms of quality), precise Snyder-esque visuals, and Seth Rogen, who wrote a perfectly funny script and does a great job playing the main character just as comically as well. Michel Gondry's handwriting isn't lost in what for him is such an uncharacteristic genre, so all in all this is a popcorn film on a solid level.


Garden State (2004) 

Englisch At first Garden State may seem like "just another movie about parties, drugs, and sex", but once Natalie enters the scene, the whole film starts transitioning into the beautiful bittersweet vein, occasionally teetering on the edge of drama (but only slightly), delights with its great music, and completely breaks out of the traditional concept of a romantic film. While there are quite a few films on the theme of "rediscovering yourself", Garden State holds a special place for me – if only because it warmed my heart beautifully without feeling calculated.


Europa (1991) 

Englisch Instead of an explicit look at the war as such, Lars von Trier has opted for a more social/psychological film, in which he captures the hopelessness of the post-war situation in Germany very well. While the main story is undoubtedly suspenseful and even gripping in some moments, it is also interesting to see how the war and its consequences are seen by supporting characters (especially in the area of interpersonal relationships). It's certainly not Lars' best work, but the excellent visuals, some of the stronger moments, and the immersive effect in the narrative interludes give it an indelible place in Trier's filmography.


Die üblichen Verdächtigen (1995) 

Englisch This film simply has pacing and charm! The mythical feel gives the story just the right substance, the music is demonically divine :)), the acting couldn't be better, and Singer, at only 30 years old, already proves that he is more than capable of pulling off a "big" film. The top of its genre, all of whose almost perfect components are enhanced by the famous final outcome.


Die Brut (1979) 

Englisch Except for the finale, it's only a horror film at times (though it's in those moments that its intensity is massive). As I gradually become more familiar with Cronenberg's films, I am slowly beginning to see the "spiritual" in them, and I honestly prefer it to his favorite explicit nastiness, which perhaps some people find daring, untethered, original, and unconventional, but they are the reason I don’t enjoy Cronenberg that much). What I especially appreciate about The Brood is the thorough and impressive expertise (to write just "analysis" would be insufficient) of the originally pure mother who is separated from her child and must live in forced isolation and estrangement from her family. Remarkable, non-mainstream, distinctive, impressive.


The Town - Stadt ohne Gnade (2010) 

Englisch Seen in the extended version --- I struggled with my final rating until the last minute. But I'm faaar from rating this brilliantly directed ride below average, on the grounds that it's all too idealized, predictable, emotional to the point of revulsion in places, and that Affleck "just doesn't have it in him". He delivers more than perfectly in terms of craft and if he can’t keep from some more emotionally intense and at the same time simpler moments here and there :)), what the hell. More than well shot action (the very opening ambush scene is breathtaking), proportionately developed psychology of the main characters (not too "deep" but not too simple or ridiculous), Elswit's excellent cinematography, and Affleck's thorough direction – for me it was enough. :) 90% and I'll see what I think the second time around.


Shivers - Der Parasitenmörder (1975) 

Englisch The whole thing struck me as a cruel naturalistic experiment, but an excellent and masterful one in terms of filmmaking. Excellent cinematography, oppressive atmosphere (practically the entire film takes place in an apartment complex), and man presented as a victim of his own desires and confined strictly to his biological nature. While it's pretty disgusting in places, it's still a brilliant affair. In the "pool" finale, all I could think of was the cynical remark: "so she finally got hers!!!" :))


Chatroom (2010) 

Englisch Chatroom is an excellent film about the vast and monstrous power of the internet. However, I would be cautious with classifying it in the horror genre :); it’s more appropriately categorized as a psychological drama with thriller elements. I don't know how to put it exactly, but the overall experience and the final (actually quite continuous:)) gesture of approval is perhaps not so much directed toward the script (whose sophistication and excellent gradation – and not least the idea itself, which is excellent – I cannot deny) or the direction (which I have no reservations about), but rather the applicability to real life, the alarming state of dependence on the internet afflicting the young generation, which is gradually losing awareness of the normal world and confiding its most intimate feelings to imaginary friends. It is true that the characters in this film are perhaps overly naive, gullible, and easily manipulated, which can be justified by their young age, their lack of life experience, or the fact that a chat room is the ideal means for them to escape from the "mean world that doesn't understand them". Therefore, they consider their virtual life untouchable at the moment and trust it (them) implicitly. Yes, I know I'm not coming up with anything new:)), but everyone knows that there are perverts, antisocials, and maybe even a much worse bunch on the internet. Rather, I would like to point out that this film shows in great detail how far this initially innocent and casual chatting can go. With its testimonial value (moral resonance, message) and the great Aaron Johnson, it's easily suffices for about 80%.


Scott Pilgrim gegen den Rest der Welt (2010) 

Englisch I loved the concept from the start. Combined with Wright's semi-crazy (but really delightful) directorial trademark, a likable and witty script, actors tailor-made (in my opinion) for the target audience, its overall detachment, and its abundance of pop culture references, Scott Pilgrim works perfectly. I really like films made with energy and inventiveness and, if they doesn't overstay their welcome and maintain some reasonable level of taste, they usually "gets away" with a full rating – because the entire running time in such a case passes incredibly quickly, entertains royally, and leaves me wanting to watch it again sooner or later. In short, it's a purely professional work and it's obvious that the creators have the area they set off on very well mastered and studied. That it doesn't feel forced for a moment as a result is just another plus and I really can't help but give it 5 stars.