Su Hui-yu

Su Hui-yu


SU Hui-yu (1976, Taiwan) studied Fine Art at the National Taiwan Normal University and the National Taiwan Univeristy of Arts, both in Taipei. Su is mostly interested in the connections between media, images, history and everyday life, and his videos explore both the mass media's impact on viewers and the projection of viewers' thoughts and desires onto these media. Themes present in his work deal with violence, sleep, the female body and a general interplay between reality and fantasy. His videoworks and installations were shown all over the world and both of his solo exhibitions, The Fabled Shoots in 2007 and Stilnox Home Video in 2010, were nominated for the Taishin Arts Award. In addition, Su was awarded the Asian Cultural Council Fellowship Award and participated in artist in residence programmes in New York, Munich, Los Angeles and the Czech Republic. In 2017, IFFR dedicates a retrospective to Su's videoworks, while his film Super Taboo (2017) will have its world premiere in the Tiger Competition for Short Films.

International Film Festival Rotterdam








The Walker