Adem Ilhan

Adem Ilhan


Adem Ilhan makes music and sound in many guises.  The multi-instrumentalist singer-songwriter releases music under the imaginative moniker 'Adem' (Domino Recordings).  He is a founder member of the influential band FRIDGE and has various other projects that are released and toured around the world.

It was at one of his concerts at The Roundhouse, London, that David Farr first saw Adem performing and invited him to score an entire season of Shakespeare for the main theatre at the RSC (The Tempest, Comedy of Errors, Twelfth Night), the success of which cemented their working relationship and has continued with the feature film The Ones Below. Adem has scored several features including The Ones Below, In The Loop, Wayland's Song, Free Rainer, The Affected, animation We, The Masses and numerous feature documentaries.

Adem has worked with many people on many varied projects from producing an album for a member of Radiohead (Weatherhouse) through creating installations for TATE (Assembly) to a collaboration with Rambert, Gerhardt Richter and the Merce Cunningham estate (EVENTS). A distinct and enabling collaborator, Adem brings his unique musicality and vision to every project he works on.

Icon Film Distr./Lionsgate UK
