Jed Kurzel

Jed Kurzel

geb. 1976
Grawler, Australien


Jed Kurzel is best known as the front man and song writer for the award winning cinematic rock duo The Mess Hall, one of the Australia's most original and dynamic beat combinations. Their 2006 album, Devil's Elbow was awarded the prestigious 2007 Australian Music Prize. Having released four albums over the course of their career of constantly shifting styles, their album For The Birds is a collection of songs that take a sharp turn into a musical terrain that combines voodoo, beatnik soul, funk and rock and roll.
Jed's composition career began several years ago with contributions to several independent short films. He then wrote the score for the critically acclaimed documentary Naked on the Inside before composing the music for the Griffin Theatre production Savage River. His television debut came in scoring the music for Claudia Karvan's highly acclaimed Spirited, which has completed two seasons with a third on the way.
In 2010, Jed made his feature film debut composing the soundtrack for Snowtown for which he won Feature Film Score of the Year at the 2011 Screen Composer Awards.
He has since composed the score for Dead Europe, directed by Tony Krawitz and is working on his third feature film, THE BABADOOK.

IFC Films




