Kelsey MannKamera:
Adam HabibMusik:
Andrea DatzmanBesetzung:
Amy Poehler, Phyllis Smith, Lewis Black, Diane Lane, Maya Hawke, Tony Hale, Liza Lapira, Ayo Edebiri, Adèle Exarchopoulos, Paul Walter Hauser (mehr)Streaming (4)
In Disney/Pixars 'Alles steht Kopf 2' kehren wir 2024 in den Kopf des nun frischgebackenen Teenagers Riley Andersen zurück - genau zu dem Zeitpunkt, an dem das Hauptquartier plötzlich abgerissen wird, um Platz für etwas völlig Unerwartetes zu schaffen: neue Emotionen! Freude, Kummer, Wut, Angst und Ekel, die seit langem erfolgreich Rileys Kopf managen, sind sich nicht sicher, was sie fühlen sollen, als Zweifel auftaucht. Und es sieht so aus, als ob sie nicht die einzige Neue ist... (Walt Disney Deutschland)
(mehr)Kritiken (8)
I wish the film success, but for me it's a similarly average as the first one. I don't like this kind of animated films. It has little action, it's not very funny, it has a clever and entertaining premise, but it lacks more interesting characters and I found the whole thing quite bland and not very entertaining. Finished it more out of obligation and respect. The Wild Robot I believe will be a different caliber. 5/10. ()
Der 28. abendfüllende Pixar-Film Eine Fortsetzung nach 9 Jahren? Kann sein, besonders wenn Emotionen und Pubertät die Hauptthemen sind. Schließlich ist es wahrscheinlich der erste abendfüllende animierte Film über Panikattacken. Und das verdient Anerkennung. Weil allein die grundlegende Entscheidung, so etwas in die Produktion zu lassen, Mut erforderte. ()
Alles Steht Kopf 2 ist ebenso wie der erste Teil ein interessanter und ziemlich clever geschriebener animierter Film, der in einer für mich sehr fesselnden Umgebung stattfindet, von der er qualitativ profitiert. Die Geschichte ist zwar teilweise eine Variation dessen, was ich schon einmal gesehen habe, aber durch die Veränderung der Hauptheldin ist alles irgendwie anders, und ich kann daher nicht sagen, dass mich der Film nicht manchmal überraschen konnte. Es kamen neue interessante Emotionen hinzu, die in meinem Kopf für ordentliches Chaos sorgten, wie es eben in der Pubertät ist, aber ich kann nicht sagen, dass mich eine von ihnen besonders angesprochen hat – ich mag die ursprünglichen immer noch lieber. Was mir diesmal nicht so gut gefallen hat, war der Humor, mir schien, dass der Film nicht sehr lustig war, oder vielmehr habe ich während der Vorführung nur einmal oder zweimal gelacht... Andererseits hat mich alles, was ich gesehen habe, ziemlich eingesogen, erneut hat mir die Fantasie, mit der hier die innere Welt dargestellt wird, sehr gut gefallen, ich habe es genossen, mich daran zu erfreuen, wie es funktioniert. Animationsmäßig ist es sehr gelungen, die Musik ist auch in Ordnung. Ich kann also ohne Emotionen sagen, dass Alles Steht Kopf 2 von mir eine Bewertung von 7,5/10 verdient. ()
We've kind of got used to sequels to Pixar animated films being a level worse than the first parts, and unfortunately that's true for Inside Out 2. Yeah, it still looks great and I still think the concept itself is almost brilliant, but it's like the creators themselves knew that and figured they didn't have to try too hard when they had such an interesting world and characters. The main problem with the second part is that it's too similar to the first. In practically everything. Once again, the mind of the now teenage Riley wanders, wild things happen in her brain because growing up is not easy, and new emotions come into play. And with them, old problems. Again, it's more or less about the emotions the having to learn to work together, and they and the audience should ideally understand by the end that being insecure, sad, stressed out and nervous about what the future holds is actually okay and normal. Last time they were dealing with sadness, now this is it. It pretty much works, the touching scenes are touching, the funny ones are funny. Unfortunately, I got the feeling that Inside Out 2 was sewn with too hot a needle by someone who didn't try too hard to invent something new and instead just copied and that it was all a bit lazy, more or less from start to finish. Not necessarily a bad thing, but I was expecting a bit more effort. And more ideas. ()
It fascinates me in absolutely everything. First of all, in the fact that the animation has leapt forward as significantly as it did between Toy Story and Toy Story 2 movies, and you can see almost every molecule. Secondly, the natural sequence of events, where the new emotions realistically edge out the ones that used to be in charge, where everything feels more "lifelike" than if it were a more thought-out existential drama. And last but not least, of course, how everything emotionally comes together in the end, so that the last ten to fifteen minutes have literally drained my tear ducts. It's a particular relief and a ray of hope that this journey has been so beloved of critics, viewers, and the entire world. We are all a thirteen-year-old girl. ()
Raily is going through puberty and it's an emotional whirlwind. A new console, new emotions. Anxiety as the main instigator of personality change feels incredibly realistic. More mature issues than last time, the parents may be more affected than the kids. Trying to fit in, stand out and remain a good person. ()
I really enjoyed the first trip into Riley's head thanks to the original story and beautiful animation. Inside Out 2 ultimately rides a very similar wave (of emotion) and visibly builds on the dense fan base of the first film. The second adventure of the five emotions, and the four new ones, while not as original, still offers very interesting ideas wrapped in a proper serving of humour. The film lacked an outright powerful scene (like the one with Bing Bong in the first part) that would have moved me inwardly, which was a bit of a surprise considering the setting of the story in the teenage phase. Nevertheless, it was a nice film to watch and its message, though similar to that of nine years ago, will appeal to audiences young and old alike. P.S. Ah, the Nostalgia! ()
Where the first part was a bit boring in places, the second relentlessly drops one joke after another and I didn't even have time to look at my watch. It's got a great plot, the "inside" space is far more fleshed out and expanded than in the first film, we get to see new emotions, and, most importantly, it's entertaining and funny, even for an adult audience. A great fairy tale and an accurate template for how animation should be done. Satisfaction. ()