The Cellar - Verlorene Seelen



Karrierefrau Keira zieht mit ihrer Familie in ein ehrwürdiges Anwesen auf dem Land. Tochter Ellie kann dem Haus mit den rätselhaften Symbolen und dem gruseligen Keller absolut nichts abgewinnen, muss sich aber genau diesem stellen, als eines elternfreien Abends plötzlich der Strom ausfällt. Ellie holt sich telefonischen Beistand bei ihrer Mutter und steigt, die zehn Stufen voller Angst zählend, die Treppe hinab: 1 – 2 – 3, gleich ist es geschafft! Doch als Ellie nach der letzten Stufe weiterzählt und danach spurlos verschwindet, ahnt Keira, dass ihr wundervolles Zuhause ein schreckliches Geheimnis birgt. (Plaion Pictures)


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Englisch Hmm, I have mixed feelings. On the one hand, I liked the mythology around the curse and the house, the film managed to evoke a sense of fear at times thanks to the headphones and the audio, and the final shot was quite interesting, but on the other hand, it's still just the classic template: new house, teenage daughter, curse, its unraveling and the ending, and at the same time I have to say that the acting was also pretty second-rate and even the logic was getting its ass kicked towards the end, or rather everyone was wiping their ass with it. The result then is a pretty decent sub-par haunted house horror flick that won’t impress anyone and objectively I'd say isn't very good either, but I still can't say I was squirming with boredom. Thanks to the short running time and a few interesting elements, the film is quite easy to get through, but whether anyone wants to devote their time to it when filmmakers have been churning out one blockbuster after another lately is probably up to each of them. ()